In this article we will learn the best way to inject meat with marinade. We’ll cover where to inject marinade, how to inject the marinade, how to prepare your marinade for better injecting, and how much to inject to get the best moisture retention and flavor permeation throughout the meat. Marinating you meats is a process that takes a lot of time and doesn’t have as profound of an effect. Injecting meat with marinade will enhance flavor, increase moisture, and tenderize otherwise bland, dry, and tough meat. For meat that isn’t bland, dry, and tough it will elevate it even more but this is a great technique for enhancing meats that normally aren’t as appealing. Continue reading to learn more about injecting meat with marinade.
Where to inject your marinade
Your marinade should be injected evenly throughout the meat. If there is significant marbling you’ll want to try to identify the areas between the fat and inject directly into the middle of the meaty sections. Whether you’re injecting pork, chicken, or beef. Try to inject it as evenly throughout as possible.
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How to inject your marinade
The more injection sites the more locations there are for marinade and moisture to more easily escape from the meat as you cook it. Try to limit injection sites if you can. Insert the needled deeply and slowly withdraw it as you inject. This will leave marinade more evenly throughout the meat without unnecessarily leaving too many injection holes. A great trick is injecting from the side of a cut of meat. This will allow you to fully insert the needle into larger cuts and not penetrate through to the other side.
How to prepare your marinade for injection
The most important thing to remember is that you’re going to be using a needle for injecting so you need the ingredients in your marinade to be able to easily flow through the needle and not clog it up. Marinade needles are usually fairly wide but you still need to ensure that your ingredients are as fine as possible. If you have some essential flavors you want to include you may need to grind them with a mortar and pestle first to get them down to a manageable size to flow through the needle. There are different gauge needles available. If your marinade has some bits that are difficult to grind down finely you’ll want to go with a larger gauge needle. It should be noted that smaller numbers are larger gauge but they may not be labeled by gauge. Just grab the one that looks like the inner diameter of the needle will do the best job.
How much marinade should you inject
In general you can’t overdo the injection of liquid. The meat can only hold just so much. But you can overdo the flavoring. Especially if it is a very salty or briny marinade. There can’t be any single rule of thumb for how much to inject but you can thin your marinade out if necessary to help inject more marinade to enhance moisture without overpowering it with the marinade flavoring.
The best cuts of meat to inject
The best cast of meat to inject are the ones that will benefit most from added flavor. These are the ones that are more lean. Fat if flavor. Not that you don’t want to inject more fatty meats but they may not need as much help. This is true whether we’re talking about pork, chicken, or beef. Examples of meats that are naturally more dry are, thick pork chops, pork loin, lamb leg, turkey, and beef round roast.
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Wrapping Up:
Injecting Marinade Into Meat
So now you know how to inject your marinade, how to prepare your marinade for injection, how much marinade you should inject, and the best cuts of meat to inject. There are many different ingredients that can be added to a marinade and we can’t go over all of them but typically a brine type marinade is the best option. Brining will help tenderize tougher meats and help them hold moisture better. There really isn’t a better method for dealing with dryer and tougher meats. It’s so easy it almost seems like cheating a bit. In the end you’ll likely need to do a little experimenting to get your technique down and find which marinade works the best for the meats you like to cook most. Good luck and happy injecting!