In this article we’ll cover all of the steps to store flour to prevent bugs. Weevils are the main culprit we need to worry about when it comes to flour. As it turns out, weevils lay eggs in flour kernels in the field and lay dormant for months. Occasionally an egg can make its way through the manufacturing process and end up hatching while stored in your home. We also want to ensure that no other insects or pests can get in there either. While we’re at it, we need to make sure the flour is properly protected from going rancid as well. Continue reading to learn about the steps needed to prevent weevils and how to store your flour to keep it well protected.
How to ensure weevil eggs don’t hatch in your flour
- Start by finding a large Ziploc bag or something similar that you can place the flour in
- Place the flour in the bag and remove as much air as possible prior to sealing it
- A tip for removing air from a plastic bag is to slowly lower it in water so that it pushes the air up and out
- Place the sealed bag in the freezer for 48 hours to kill any insect eggs be they weevil eggs or otherwise
- When you’re done keep your flour in an airtight food grade container and store it in a cool dark place
- Storing your flour in your refrigerator is the ideal cool dark place to best protect it
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Bug proof food storage containers
All you really need is a good quality airtight food grade storage container to keep your flour pest free and lock out moisture which can cause your flour to go rancid. Rubbermaid Premium Modular Containers are the best of the best for several reasons. These airtight containers held up extremely well to drop tests. The lids seal very tight and don’t come off when you don’t want them to but easily do when you need to get into them. The containers are designed so that the lids are interchangeable. The containers all have the same size opening so you don’t need to worry about grabbing the right lid for a container. The containers are narrow but not too narrow that they are difficult to get access to their contents. They are also designed with a lip that makes them pour well.Can flour be stored long term?
White flour, also known as white rice flour, can be stored for 10 years or more if stored properly. Other flours can be stored in the pantry for 3 to 6 months and in the freezer for 6 months to 1 year.
Are weevils already in flour?
Not usually but it is possible. Weevils lay eggs in flour kernels in the fields. It’s possible for some eggs to not be destroyed during the flour manufacturing process and hatch months later inside your pantry.
Can flour weevils harm you?
Consuming flour weevils isn’t harmful but it isn’t pleasant to think about. The cooking process would almost certainly kill any live weevils leaving nothing but a protein deposit in your food. Still not ideal but it won’t hurt you or a family member.
Are flour mites harmful to humans?
Indirectly yes. Flour mites can spread fungus to your flour which could in turn cause someone to become ill from eating contaminated flour.
How do I get rid of flour mites?
It’s best to throw out food that is infested with flour mites but you can freeze any food that has them to kill them.
How do you know if your flour is bad?
Flour should have a fresh and natural smell to it. If it smells foul in any way it should be thrown out. Also, if you find weevils or other insects in it throw it out immediately.
How do you keep weevils out of your pantry?
- Start by keeping your pantry clean and free of food crumbs and waste
- Try to not keep more than is necessary so that you’re turning over your inventory regularly
- Use airtight food grade containers for as much of your foods as possible
- Inspect your food for weevils and other insects and discard if you find anything
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Wrapping Up:
Keeping Pests Out Of Your Flour
The best way how to store food to prevent bugs is to use airtight food grade storage containers. This will only prevent new insects from getting into your flour though. If any eggs managed to get into the flour prior or during the production process you’ll have to take a different approach to make sure that didn’t happen. You’ll need to freeze your flour for 48 hours to ensure that any eggs are dead and won’t hatch creep crawlers into your food later. Good luck and happy baking.