How to Soften Butter for Baking Cookies

it is important to be well-versed in the best butter softening methods to ensure a creamy and smooth result. Learn more about how to soften butter for…
How to Remove Grease Off a Gas Stovetop

Grease on stovetops isn’t just an untidy look for your stove, it could also be a safety hazard if the grease on your stove starts to smoke or even catch…
How to clean black residue off cast iron skillet

Using a cast iron skillet can seem a bit overwhelming since you’ve probably heard all the rules around using and cleaning it, and to be honest it is not…
How to clean an electric stove top

Raise your hand if you enjoy cleaning your stove? No… to be honest, I am not a big fan of cleaning my stove top either, but I have learned consistency…
How to clean a Keurig needle

There are three major indicators that will let you know when you may need to clean your Keurig needles. If your Keurig is brewing less than the correct…
How do you make strawberries last longer in the refrigerator

We’ve all done it – spring starts rolling in with sunshine and warmer weather and we decide this is the year we’ll finally get that summer body we’ve…
How to use a pressure cooker for meat

Have you ever stood in front of your pressure cooker wondering where to start and how to best utilize this supposedly life and time-saving invention?
Best Double Boiler Espresso Machine For Home

Avid espresso drinkers and latte makers ready to take their art into the home should step up to the big leagues by investing in a double boiler espresso…
Best Budget Burr Grinder For Espresso

Maybe you’re a coffee connoisseur who likes to play with different grinds, different brew styles, and different ways to dress up your morning cup of Joe.
Best Blender For Individual Smoothies

The personal blender is an awesome tool to have in your home kitchen for lots of reasons: blending spice mixes, making sauces, dips, or guacamole, and of…
Eating Instant Noodles Everyday

Everyone reaches that point in life where finding time to cook for yourself just isn’t easy. It might be during high school, it might be during high…
How To Store Freeze Dried Food

Freeze drying may be the best way to store food for the long term. It’s also a great way to make snacks for the family or ingredients for some recipes…
Which Brand Of Kitchen Appliances Are Best

Before we jump right into the brand of appliances that are most reliable we need to cover some important points. Every brand will likely have some…
What Is The Best Way To Smoke A Brisket

Brisket is a cut that needs to be cooked just so. It’s not difficult but the correct process and tools need to be used to get the best results. The…
Do Thermacell Mosquito Repellents Work?

If you’re like me, mosquitos seem to be drawn to you like a magnet. I’ve tried citronella candles which just don’t seem to do much, if anything. Deet…
Best Programmable Slow Cooker With Delay Start

Slow cookers are great ways to have an easy to make meal ready to eat when you get home from work or whatever else you may have going on that day. While…
What Is The Best Stainless Steel Cookware Set To Buy

Stainless steel cookware is used almost exclusively in kitchens around the world for a few very good reasons. It’s sturdy, effective, easy-to-clean, and…
Best Pans For High Heat Cooking

There are a handful of reasons why high-heat cooking is tougher than cooking on moderate or low heat. One of those reasons is safety: the use of certain…
What Is The Best Electric Fly Swatter

If you live in one of the “buggier” of these United States (like I do), having a well-functioning, effective, and safe electric fly swatter is a must.
What Is The Best Electric Can Opener On The Market

Busy chefs know that manual kitchen tools and appliance can really slow you down, and that having the right electric appliances for automated and…